Sunday, November 18, 2007

Prickly Heat Problems

Prickly heat is also known as a heat rash--something I wouldn't even wish on my worst enemy. It all started on Friday afternoon, when I started to itch quite a bit on my chest and stomach...I didn't think much of it, just thought that I had gotten sunburn of sorts and that the itchiness would go away soon enough, like it usually does. Well, I was wrong and discovered this when the itches started to progress and get worse and before I knew it, my entire back and shoulders were itching, too.

I tried putting "after sun lotion" on, to help moisten my skin up, but that didn't help, so I went on to using ice packs and found some relief from the itches for a while (one can only scratch so much, you know). That day wasn't so bad, but as time went on, things started getting worse...the next day, which was yesterday, I found myself very itchy throughout the day, finding myself lucky to get a few moments of relief from it every now and again.. and of course my lotion was my best friend throughout the day.

In the late afternoon, things started to feel better, but later into the evening and night, I felt like I could die, things got so bad. I was so itchy and tingly, it felt like someone was poking me with pins all the time...I tried to ignore it, but a heat rash is not something that you can ignore easily, unless you have some major self-control and a high pain threshold. When I tell you it really was itchy, I don't even mean it was really itchy like your usual itch can was so itchy, I felt like I could rip my skin off. Yeah, that sounds a bit weird and is a strange way to describe how I felt, I know, but man there's no other way to describe it.

I called my mom at about 11:30pm to come and help me out a bit. She put some lotion on my back and it helped a bit, but I found my main relief from setting my A/C to the coldest it could go and putting some ice packs on my back. Well, the ice packs worked until they broke two times and the stuff started to ooze out onto my clothes...we then moved onto two different kinds of ice packs that I had gotten in the hospital a few months ago. They worked, don't have any way to leak and are still working very well for me right now, actually...I read online that the best thing to do for a heat rash/prickly heat, is to keep room temperature a bit cooler than usual and to use ice. Lots of ice..and maybe a tepid bath with some bicarb soda in it. I haven't tried that one, but just might if I get desperate... it doesn't sound like my idea of fun though.

Why am I telling you all of this? I think because I want you to understand what I'm talking about, before I ask you to pray for me....this is really painful stuff, and sure, I might just be a wimp, but that's what's going on and if things don't stop soon enough, I might just go insane. And so, without further ado, I ask you to please keep me in your prayers, if you would, that this horrible rash will go away soon. I have a school week ahead of me and can't afford to be fussing with trying to get myself comfortable, when I should actually be doing school and other things.

Thank you in advance. :)

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